Control systems and optimization

Research team
We strive to apply advanced control and optimization algorithms in buildings and related technical systems​.

One of the main topic is the development of control and diagnostic blocks for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) based on machine learning. We develop, for example, controllers with automatic parameter tuning or a system for automatic labeling and assigning data points to a semantic description.

Another main topic is design and implementation of algorithms for the emerging market with energy flexibility (previously also referred to as "demand-response"). In this area, we focus on predicting the energy demand of processes and buildings and the subsequent optimal use of energy accumulation with the aim of minimizing costs/maximizing flexibility. The main tool is predictive control based on a dynamic system modelling.

We also design, develop and test innovative heating systems. Our team's vision is a one-pipe heating system for minimizing both installation costs thanks to a simpler topology and operating costs using estimation and predictive algorithms for building heating.

Beyond the scope of the above-mentioned activities, we are work also on the optimization of the working point and predictive regulation of the system for pumping water from the air (AWG), or we develop virtual sensors for coal-fired power plants.

For the purposes of rapid device prototyping and the deployment of advanced control algorithms, we have built a set of software tools enabling the conversion of algorithms from the Matlab design tool into a language suitable for independent running in the device's PLC/microprocessor.


We have developed a self-learning controller for technical equipment in buildings

Proper control of HVAC systems is crucial for efficient and economical building operation. However, mistakes are often made that...

Main team activities

  • We develop machine learning algorithms for building control systems.
  • We work on the concept and realization of energy flexibility of buildings.
  • We develop temperature feedback controls for heating systems.
  • We design virtual sensors.
  • We optimize equipment and process control systems.


The laboratory deals with the design, development and testing of innovative heating systems. Currently, the research is focused on the development of a distributed pump system, which is based on the so-called single-pipe topology. The team's vision is a heating system that minimizes both installation costs thanks to a simpler topology and operating costs by using modern predictive algorithms for heating buildings. The test equipment provides all the necessary sensory equipment and a wide range of control options for actuators. All data is continuously recorded, and the experiment can be controlled completely remotely. Tymyfoto/hydronicsTestbed.jpg

set of software tools for developing and independently running algorithms from Matlab/Simulink in an industrial PLC computer. In addition to generating code for independent operation, the system also supports remote data connection (alg. in Matlab runs on a remote connected computer) and logging into the IoT database.

The laboratory deals with the design, development and testing of control systems not only in the area of buildings. Above all, it is a design of advanced or superstructure control over the basic control loops. The goal is to optimize the operation of the controlled process with respect to quality criteria.