The CTU University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings is developing, in cooperation with the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, nanofibers enabling more sensitive detection of odor traces, which can be used, for example, in the investigation of criminal activity. Selected samples are tested by specially trained dogs.
Laboratory of advanced biomaterials ČVUT UCEEB, as part of the project Use of advanced technologies in the field of odorology, conducted a test of PVA, PVB, PCL and PAN polymers, which the research team selected as suitable commodities for use in long-term preservation of human odor. The selected samples passed a test of random interest, i.e. their attractiveness for a dog and, above all, a test of long-term odor sustainability on an odor sensor.
Since September 2020, the random interest test and polymer testing itself has been carried out by one of the Bloodhound dogs specially trained by the RESDOGS organization to search for missing, lost and wanted persons. The excellent olfactory abilities of this dog breed are also evidenced by the fact that only its representatives can provide supporting court evidence in the identification of an object (for example, a murder weapon with a person) in Great Britain and the USA.
Tests of the designed polymers have shown that all test samples can retain the odors of people, drugs, and endangered animals and plants protected under the CITES convention for up to two months without any problems. Further selection of the most suitable samples for long-term preservation of odors will gradually take place.