We completed the FINERPOL project

News, 06/04/2020

On the last day of March, the implementation of the FINERPOL international project focused on financial instruments for energy renovation of buildings ended. From the Czech Republic, together with CTU UCEEB, the capital city of Prague also participated.

The goal of the project was to find successful examples from other European regions, share them with interested parties in the country and show them options for expanding the offer of financing renovations leading to a reduction in the energy consumption of buildings, in addition to classic subsidies.

The Ministry for Regional Development allocated funds from the Integrated Regional Operational Program (IROP) to programu Zateplování, which is devoted to the energy modernization of apartment buildings in the Czech Republic, with the exception of the capital city of Prague. Owners or co-owners of apartment buildings can apply for an interest-free loan, which they can combine with a subsidy from the IROP program if they achieve at least 20% savings in energy consumption compared to the state before modernization. The Warming Program is administered by the State Fund for Housing Development, and offers free professional help and consultations to those interested.

The capital city of Prague, in cooperation with the Czech Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank, has launched a new program INFIN, financed from ESI funds within the Operational Program Prague – growth pole of the Czech Republic, which offers small and medium-sized entrepreneurs a financial instrument in the form of an interest-free loan for financing innovative projects in the territory of the capital city of Prague.

The outputs of the project, including an interactive map with examples of FINERMAP good practice, can be found on the website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/finerpol/