The CTU University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings has created a guide for planning the transformation of public spaces for representatives of smaller municipalities, which will be freely available on the Internet to all interested parties.
The result of a three-year effort by a team of urban planners and social scientists of the Czech Technical University UCEEB led by Martina Sýkorová and Michaela Malá is the certified Methodology for planning public spaces in small municipalities. Its goal is to provide mayors and municipal representatives with the opportunity to become equal partners in dialogue with irreplaceable experts and authorities, to have their own vision, to be able to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of proposed solutions and to make informed decisions.
The main part of the methodology is the basic building block – it helps representatives of smaller municipalities to orientate themselves in the issue of public spaces for subsequent meetings with experts and authorities, accompanies them step by step through the process of preparing and formulating the study assignment and describes recommended procedures for selecting a developer.
This main part is followed by several appendices - the first set of manuals describes the basic principles of a high-quality material (architectural) environment of public spaces as well as methods and procedures, how and why to involve the public and determine their needs. The second set of manuals contains a recommended list of assignment chapters for different study types defined in the methodology.
We believe that mayors and representatives who study these manuals and follow them will contribute to the creation of a high-quality public space that meets the needs of residents and visitors to the municipality.
The methodology can be downloaded for free on the website