The CTU University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings will present the SAWER drinking water extraction system from dry desert air at the 10th annual ISDEF International Trade Fair, which will be held from June 4 to 6, 2019 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Veletrh ISDEF is among the most prestigious global events focused on the presentation of products and innovations for the needs of defense, national and cyber security, intelligence services, ensuring public order and protecting critical infrastructure, which is absolutely necessary to ensure the basic life needs of the population, which undoubtedly includes the supply of drinking water. Representatives of governments, armies and security forces from most countries of the world regularly come to Tel Aviv, Israel.
Our autonomní zařízení S.A.W.E.R. producing drinking water in a dry and hot climate, which can be used for human consumption, watering livestock or watering plants, could be used, for example, in the services of civil defense units, in humanitarian and military operations, etc. CTU UCEEB therefore took advantage of the opportunity to participate in professional mission associated with participation in the ISDEF fair, which is organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Israel and the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the CzechTrade Agency as part of the Economic Diplomacy Project covered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.