The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of the CTU in cooperation with
Feramat Cybernetics are involved in an interdisciplinary project that aims to place the decarbonisation of district heating
systems (DHS) in the wider context of the Czech Republic and to offer scenarios for their transformation using Power2Heat
The first output was a baseline study at the end of 2022, which identified typological models of DHS in the Czech Republic
and established a starting point for further development of possible transformation scenarios. Based on the information gathered,
a generic value chain was constructed that captures typical economic-organisational models that support the wider integration
of Power2Heat technologies.
Furthermore, the baseline study summarized barriers and opportunities, especially in the context of the use of compressor
heat pumps in DHS, based on a literature search and publicly available information on successful installations abroad. An
advisory panel composed of representatives of selected cities and DHSoperators has also been set up, with whom the project
team is in regular contact to discuss or validate the progress of the project at different stages.
Methodology for smart thermal grid planning: exemplary scenarios and coordination tools for Power2Heat system integration
at the municipal level was supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the THETA programme.