Catalog of secondary raw materials for the construction industry

Catalog of products and materials containing secondary raw materials from industrial operations and municipal waste for use in construction (Part II)
This second part of the Catalog provides an overview of the most common secondary raw materials from industry and municipal waste that can be used in construction. At the same time, the catalog provides a legislative overview and an overview of standards that relate to the use of these raw materials. We developed the catalog for designers, architects and product producers with the aim of making it easier for them to use secondary raw materials. The catalog also contains specific examples of good practice and options where products with recycled content can be used.



We allow the publication of products with recycled content on our website We also offer consultations regarding the possibility of recycling raw materials for use in the construction industry.

About the result

The catalog of products and materials containing secondary raw materials was created as an online version of the document for the Czech Standardization Agency. The catalog has two basic sections – an overview of secondary raw materials and recycled products. In order to supplement the overview of the topic, the legislative requirements and related regulations, standards and test procedures for putting recycled products into practice are collected in other sections. An additional glossary of terms contributes to an easier understanding of the catalog issue. An interactive offline version of the catalog in PDF format is also available for download.