Ing. Jiří Tencar, Ph.D.

Telefon: +420 736 630 021

Jiří Tencar graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University with master degree in civil engineering and architecture. He completed an ERASMUS study stay at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK. In 2009 he defended his dissertation on "The influence of interior greenery on the indoor thermal microclimate in
enclosed atriums of office buildings". As part of his PhD studies he completed a research fellowship at the University of Cambridge, UK. Since 2002, he has been working as an assistant and lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Prague in the field of integrated building design and sustainable construction. He is involved in the development, promotion and certification of the SBToolCZ methodology. He is also the energy guarantor in the Smart Písek office and owns a consulting and design company ECOTEN.