The University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of CTU has developed a methodology for evaluating the quality of apartment buildings from the point of view of their adaptation to climate change, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and resistance to sudden shocks, which will be available free of charge to all interested parties. Its certification was carried out by the Building Research Institute.
Assessment of buildings will take place already at the stage of their design according to a whole range of criteria. These represent the result of the work of the team, which, as part of the Environmentally Friendly Resilient Apartment Buildings project, began in 2018 with the definition of risks, the development of individual criteria and their verification on case studies. The goal is to design buildings so that they do not contribute to increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and are able to adapt to anticipated climate change and sudden shocks without significantly disrupting their functions.
For example, the energy requirements of buildings and their readiness for new forms of gentle transport or the ability to handle torrential rainfall and other extreme weather events are monitored. The risk of summer overheating, noise from technology and traffic, fire safety, ventilation air quality, housing, etc. must also be evaluated.