Registration number: 7F16039
EEA and Norway funds 2014 - 2021
Solver: Ing. arch. Štěpán Mančík, Ph.D.
Start: 01.03. 2017
End: 30.04. 2017
Partners: Western Norway Research Institute (WNRI)
Research into technologies and concepts applicable to smart cities is an area that is still developing at a high pace, both in the Czech Republic and in Norway. The biggest weakness of the current state is the often undefined or completely missing connection between research institutions and cities. This is especially true in the case of small towns. Norwegian cities are at the top of the world in the implementation of the concept of smart cities, however, it is still necessary to create new models of cooperation so that the development of Smart City concepts becomes even more effective.
The main goal of the proposed activities is to strengthen cooperation between WNRI and CTU (specifically the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings – UCEEB) through the sharing of knowledge and best practices in the dissemination of research results in the field of smart cities between research organizations and city governments. Both institutions share common research topics in the area of smart small cities and both work closely with municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants.
The project will enable the development of the joint proposal of the H2020 project into the EE-09 call focused on the energy savings policy of the public sector. At the same time, there will be an exchange of know-how of both institutions in the area of small smart cities, as both already have experience with projects in this topic.
The Czech version of the report for Czech municipalities can be downloaded here:
– závěrečná zpráva projektu SmartREX
The English version of the report for Czech municipalities can be downloaded here: