The result of the two-year project Water in the city: Blue and green infrastructure, interdisciplinary supported within the Zéta program of the Czech Republic Technology Agency, is a methodology that is intended especially for representatives of the local government of cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants. The project was created on the grounds of two universities – CTU UCEEB and UJEP and places great emphasis on connecting a number of technical expertise (water management, traffic engineering, landscape architecture, urban planning, heritage conservation) as well as connecting these technical areas with other humanities-oriented fields such as economics or sociology.
The aim of the publication is to support local government representatives in orientation in the topics of rainwater management and blue and green infrastructure, to help them gain an idea of the benefits and basic possibilities of available measures, to provide support in planning and procedural procedures leading to the implementation of measures, and to teach them to proceed conceptually. In the methodology, you will also come across a summary of HDV measures, their application to public spaces or examples of successfully implemented measures. Considering the target group of the methodology, the methodology is written in understandable language and is supplemented by a number of original diagrams that illustrate individual solutions. It is therefore comprehensible even for the general public or can become a suitable aid in establishing an interdisciplinary discussion between different experts.