The University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings of CTU is developing, in cooperation with RD Rýmařov and ŽPSV, a prefabricated construction system for the construction of new generation apartment buildings. As part of the project, an experimental TiCo object is currently being created, on which tests will take place on a real scale.
The main goal of CTU UCEEB is to create a flexible construction system for the construction of energy-efficient apartment buildings. The latter will synergistically use the advantages of light load-bearing structures based on wood and subtle load-bearing structures based on high-quality concrete. Advanced production technologies will enable maximum use of precise prefabrication.
The load-bearing construction system made of high-quality concrete will be characterized by high load-bearing capacity, long service life, fire resistance, and favorable acoustic and heat accumulation properties. The wood-based construction ensures a low carbon footprint of production, lower weight and excellent thermal insulation properties of the building envelope.
Within our center, the construction of an experimental TiCo facility is currently underway, which will be two-storey with three functional units. In it, for example, we will test the coordination and accuracy requirements when joining two different prefabricated systems (wood and concrete), prefabricated bathrooms and cores made of wooden construction, acoustic parameters of constructions or the connection of facade panels and their various appearance designs.
The project Flexibilní stavební systém na bázi dřeva a vysokohodnotného betonu pro energeticky efektivní bytové domy is supported by the MPO Trio program (project number FV10685).