In June 2023, Horizon Europe launched CIRC-BOOST, a four-year international project to test and scale up circular solutions
in buildings and construction industry in general. Under the leadership of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona,
it also involves the CTU UCEEB and the company Skanska, a. s. Czech representatives will collaborate on activities related
to the use of recycled aggregate concrete in new building construction elements.
The Composite Construction research team of CTU UCEEB led by Tereza Pavlů is involved in the implementation of the project CIRC-BOOST. The core of the activities consists
of five pilot projects located in different European regions, highlighting and demonstrating on a large scale new and integrated
solutions for demolition, construction and demolition waste treatment, management and recovery in new products.
Cross-cutting digitisation activities will enable collaboration between pilot projects and more effective use of digital
tools and platforms. In addition, to ensure that the demonstrated solutions are actually adopted by industry, the project
will support construction and design companies in educating and training their staff to make optimal use of new technologies
through training activities.