The research team of the University Center for Energy-Efficient Buildings of the Czech Technical University developed, in cooperation with the company AZS 98, s.r.o., concrete mixtures with recycled aggregate, which are now used in the construction of family houses near Pilsen.
The composite constructions laboratory of the Czech Technical University UCEEB under the leadership of Petr Hájek and Tereza Pavlů has developed concrete mixes that contain only brick aggregate recycled from construction and demolition waste. These mixtures were optimized in the laboratory and further concreted within the operation of the company AZS 98, s.r.o. engaged in gentle demolition of buildings and recycling of construction and demolition waste.
Her collaboration with our laboratory on the use of recycled materials in new buildings takes place within the framework of a project supported by programu Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu TRIO. Thanks to this cooperation, mixtures were created that contain the highest possible proportion of recycled materials and at the same time meet the requirements for the given applications.
The construction of family houses from reusable masonry blocks is currently underway. These contain only recycled brick aggregate and, in addition, they will also be able to be disassembled and used for other purposes in the future. Thanks to this, the lifetime of structural elements will be fully utilized and their dependence on the moral obsolescence of the building will be limited.
Recycled materials were also used in the construction of family houses near Pilsen, where you will soon be able to see one of them.