We offer cooperation in design, modeling, development and verification of technical parameters of energy systems and their components.
We offer the following services:
We do custom development in renewable energy. We focus mainly on solar thermal technology, heat pumps, control systems, systems for the accumulation of electricity, heat and cold for buildings.
For the application of renewable energy sources in buildings, we carry out detailed simulations of building energy systems with a significant representation of RES and we evaluate their real usability for covering local energy needs.
We create our own detailed models elements for integration into complex simulation systems as well as simplified calculation tools for balancing renewable resources in buildings.
In cooperation with industrial partners we develop innovative solutions, usually combining multiple functions (hybrid photovoltaic-thermal collectors, dual air-water collectors, multifunctional heat and cold sources, facade with integrated energy elements, etc.).
We test individual devices in laboratories (solar lab, heat pump lab, photovoltaics lab, test cell for advanced enclosures).
To verify the functionality, operational reliability and efficiency of the developed and designed systems with RES we implement semi-operations of equipment and systems in a real environment and use, we monitor and evaluate their behavior.
We develop control algorithms, which make it possible to predict and optimize the operation of energy systems in buildings and industrial operations.
We help to create energy concepts for buildings and entire neighborhoods.
Below you will find detailed offers with relevant contacts. If you have specific requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
We forecast the intensity of solar radiation for any point in the Czech Republic up to 5 days ahead in hourly intervals. We work with several different sources of satellite prediction, which guarantees the robustness and overall reliability of the service.