Structural engineering

Research team
The main topic that our department deals with is structural systems and their innovation. Given the focus of the research centre, it is clear that we focus most on timber building systems. However, we are also familiar with construction systems made from other materials. We work closely with the composite materials team or with a practice dedicated to steel structures. The main content of our activity is static calculations, numerical models, real testing and its analysis.

We have a test hall with the possibility of testing large-scale test samples. We have testing equipment that enables static and dynamic loads up to 1,000 kN. The variable setting of the test system makes it possible to test, in addition to normal bending and shear tests, e.g. wall systems loaded with horizontal and vertical forces at the same time. For material tests, we use a smaller mechanical laboratory with presses up to 100 kN.

We also provide analysis of the fire resistance of timber buildings and provide support for fire tests. We deal with the design and implementation of construction monitoring. We prepare documents for companies for the European Technical Approval of Products (ETA).

Main Team Activities:

  • We carry out statics of wooden buildings.
  • We analyze the fire resistance of wooden buildings.
  • We arrange monitoring of constructions.
  • We create computational models and numerical simulations (FEM).
  • We are preparing documents for the European Technical Approval of Products (ETA).


Relative deformation of the element tensometrically and optically. Deformation of elements using inductive and potentiometric sensors. Tymyfoto/Konstrukcniinzenyrstvi/6EE42354-8A1B-4159-9EAD-BDADE2A8897F.jpeg

Testing of mechanical properties of materials and structures. The accredited laboratory focuses on testing building elements and components. In the laboratory, the mechanical properties of wooden, steel, reinforced concrete, masonry and other elements or structures are measured. Static and dynamic load tests of building components, beams and panels are carried out here with measurement of force, deformation, frequency, acceleration, dynamic coefficient, etc. Tymyfoto/Konstrukcniinzenyrstvi/DSC_0923kopie.jpg

In the range of 250 kN, 630 kN, 1,000 kN, hydraulic jaws up to a pull of 250 kN. Tymyfoto/Konstrukcniinzenyrstvi/DSC_8140copy.jpg